
Ayurveda is the science that explains “us” – “Our life”.

Basically, Ayurveda is the science of life and longevity. Our life is the union of body, indriyas, sattwa and spirit / soul (atma). Ayurveda includes details of all these aspects.

Charaka given Definition of Ayurveda as –

Hitahitam sukham dukham ayustasya hitahitam

manam cha tacch yatroktam ayurvedaha sa ucchyate

This means –

Four kinds of living in human being can be listed as beneficial, non-beneficial, happy and unhappy. Knowing whatever is nice or unpleasant; and helpful, good or harmful for the living being is the way, ayurveda approach to holistic medicine. Ayurvedic science also includes how various materials, their qualities and activities affect life, positive or negative direction.

Ayurveda reveals us the “secrete of happy life”. By its assistance we can identify things that are beneficial to us and which are not so. It is one of the science / systems that maintain close relation with the nature.

Ayurveda uses inherent principles of nature (Principles of Ayurveda) to maintain the health of a person, by maintaining perfect equilibrium between nature and person’s mind, body and spirit.