Dosha / Tridosha

  • Tri (three) doshas vata, pitta and kapha are collectively called as tridoshas
  • Tridoshas are the bio-energies
  • The elements which make characteristic energic configuration of a person or dosha type (prakriti) are called doshas.
  • Basic elements of body

Doshdhatumalamul  hi shariram |

Our body is made up of basic elements – dhoshas, dhatus, malas i.e. doshas are basic elements of body

  • Dhoshas are that bio-energies which are responsible for specific energetic configuration.
  • Doshas are that entities which become impure by their own and they become a etiologic agent for impurity of dhatus.
  • Doshas are the power systems which regulate body metabolism and form healthy dhatus as for as possible. They correlate our body with environmental changes externally and mental and emotional changes internally and maintain health of our body. But if these changes become more dominant doshas become impure and cause impurity in dhatus. Imbalanced doshas thus cause diseases. In short, doshas are responsible for health and diseases.

Tridoshas and Triguna

  • Three basic elements –  sattwa, raja, tama.
  • Three doshas are the active parts of trigunas in the body.
  • Vata represent raja guna, kapha represents tama guna and pitta represents sattwa guna in the body.

Tridosh and Panchamahabhuta

All the substances are made up of panchmahabhutas. The dominant panchmahabhut configuration of tridoshas is as follows

  • Vata – Vayu (Air) + Aakash (Space)
  • Pitta – Teja (Fire) + some water
  • Kapha – Prithvi (Earth) + Jala (Water)

Existence of tridoshas in the body

How tridoshas exist in body?

Life originated from combination of sperm, ovum and jivatma (according to ayurveda). Tridoshas are present in sperm and ovum and hence in newly form zygote by combination of these two. They perform their function and form different parts of foetus. They keep on performing their functions after birth and until the death occurs. In other words, the life ends when tridoshas stop working.

When tridoshas from sperm and ovum enter in the zygote, their configuration decides the characteristic dosha type of a person (prakriti). It is unique for every person. It is responsible for the uniqueness of the person. The physical stature, health, immunity, mental ability, intelligence depends upon that prakriti of a person.

Function of Tridoshas (Collective)

Tridoshas in balanced state maintain the normal health of a person. If the balance between them gets damaged, they vitiate dhatus and generate many diseases. The main function of tridoshas is to regulate the physiological processes in the body.

Tridoshas in balanced state

  • Normal health
  • Maintain the normal physiological process
  • Balanced emotional state and normal mental functions like memory, reasoning
  • Normal digestion, elimination etc.


  • Imbalance of tridoshas
  • Vitiation of dhatus and malas
  • Generation of diseases

Formation of tridoshas

Tridoshas exist in the body right from the beginning of life. After birth they are also formed by digestion of food.

Vata dosha is formed in pakwashaya (large intestine) in last stage of digestion i.e. differentiation of waste product from useful material. Vata is formed from the waste product.

Kapha dosha is formed during the formation of rasa dhatu (In the form of waste product).

Pitta dosha is formed during the formation of rakta dhatu (In the form of waste product).