Vata Dosha / Vatta
Meaning of the word “Vata / Vatta” – wind, moving, flowing
Vata dosha is the kinetic energy / controlling energy of our body. According to ayurveda, all the processes and movements of body as well as mind are initiated and influenced by vata dosha.
Synonyms for Vata
- Marut
- Maruta
- Anil
- Pavan
- Matarishwa
- Sadagati
- Samirana
- Prabhanjana
Panchmahabhut constitution of Vata
Vata contains all mahabhutas, but vayu and aakash / space (ether) are dominant. Proportions of these constituent mahabhutas determine the activeness of vata.
VATA Pancha-mahabhut Constitution = Vayu (Air) + Aakash / Space (Ether).
Triguna constitution of Vata
It contains all three gunas but markedly raja guna.
Formation of Vata
Vata dosha is formed in pakwashaya (large intestine) at the end of the process of digestion i.e. differentiation of waste product from useful material. Vata is formed from the waste product.
Vata – season and day time
Autumn is the main vata season; wind has influential effect on vata. Vata get increased during early morning and afternoon.
Vata and Age
Vata has dominating effect in old age people.
Why Vata is powerful among Tridoshas?
Vata type of dosha is most powerful out of three doshas, because of the functions it performs, which are listed below. Its quality of quick action and mobility makes it more powerful. Its imbalance produces more diseases in the body as compared to others. It also affects expressivity of other two doshas, so in short, if vata is in balance, so do pitta and kapha. It vata gets vitiated, it causes imbalance of pitta and kapha too (Tridoshic imbalance).
Functions of vata dosha
- Vata dosha controls and stimulates all physiological processes in the body like respiration, perspiration, circulation, heartbeat, digestion, excretion, urination, secretions conduction, eyelid blinking, menstruation discharge, fetus expulsion out of body at the time of delivery etc.
- Vata dosha controls and stimulates the functions of sense organ.
- Vata dosha controls and stimulates the activities of mind e.g. thinking i.e. thoughts, expression of various kinds of emotions like fear, anger, joy, pain, cheerfulness, enthusiasm etc.
- It increases the digestive power or agni
- At the time of conception, vata dosha stimulates the formation of body parts of foetus.
- Produces speech
- Controls and stimulates activities of pitta, kapha, the seven dhatus and malas.
- In short, all the physiological and mental happenings in our body are due to stimulation of vata dosha. Vata performs its functions through nerve impulses.