Ayurveda Tantra Origin and Principles
Ayurveda is native to the Indian Subcontinent. The exact time of origin of ayurveda is not known. But it is believed that the initial literature / text books of Ayurveda were written in India some 3,500 – 5,000 years ago (during Vedic period).
It is said that, creator of the world ‘Brahma’ produced Ayurved and taught it to ‘Prajapati Daksha’ (one of the lords of animals). He gave that knowledge to divine twins called ‘Ashwini kumars’ (the heavenly healers). They taught this science to ‘Indra’ (the chief of the shining ones).
When human beings residing on the earth started suffering from the diseases, ‘Rishies’ (wise men) like Bharadwaja met and together they went to Indra. Indra taught this science to them. These wise men arranged the acquired knowledge systematically by dividing it into different branches.
Unique Principles of Ayurveda
- Ayurved is the life science rather than the medicinal science. It tells us how to live happy, disease free, healthy, social life.
- Ayurveda recognizes different energetic constitution for different people. Ayurvedic regimens are according to these energetic constitutions and not the symptomatic treatment. Hence there is not the same treatment for the same outward symptoms.
- Ayurveda accepts that our life is the result of the union of mind / indriyas, body, senses / sattwa and atma / soul. It accepts mind as the independent entity. Any diseased condition affects status of mind, in turn, any disturbance in mind affects the physical condition of our body. At the treatment level, mind and body, both are considered together.
- Atma, the in-destructible power. Our body contains Jivatma, a part of Parmatma. This connects living organisms to god.
- The most important principle of ayurvedic science is there is nothing in the world which does not exist in our body. Nature and our body both have ‘panchbhautic’ configuration. Hence, with the help of nature, we can correct the imbalance of these elements in our body.