Introduction Method

What is Introduction method – Definition?

Introduction of plants is the earliest of the methods followed in plant breeding. Established plants of one area are taken to the newer area for the use of mankind. Quarantine has to play important role in introduction to ensure that the material which is to be introduced should not carry diseases or pests with it.

Types of Plant Introduction

Introduction can be classified on the basis of criteria like adaptation and utilization.

On the basis of Adaptation
  • Primary
  • Secondary
On the basis of Utilization
  • Direct
  • Indirect

Advantages of Plant Introduction

Merits of plant introduction method can be listed as follows

  • Quick
  • Less expensive
  • Provides important crop plants which are new to the area
  • Provides superior plant varieties directly to the desired area
  • Provides protection to variability

Disadvantages of Plant Introduction

Demerits of the method can be listed as follows

  • Introduction of diseases to the new area, not present earlier.
  • Introduction of insects, pests to the new area, not present earlier.
  • Introduction of noxious weeds to the new area not present earlier.

Know the details of other plant breeding methods.