P – R

Partial Dominance
Sometimes in a heterozygote, dominant allele does not completely masks or hide the phenotypic expression of the recessive allele; as a result of this heterozygote has intermediate phenotype. This is called as partial dominance.
Pedigree method
Pedigree method of breeding is one of the methods of plant breeding in which detailed records of the origin of the selected individuals or lines are maintained is called as pedigree method. For more details visit .
Pedigree record
Record maintained in pedigree method is called as pedigree record.

External appearance or looks of an individual is referred as phenotype.
Plant Breeding
Plant breeding is an art and science which deals with changing genotypes of the plants, to adapt them to the service of human being.
Plant introduction method
Established plants of one area are taken to the newer area for the use of mankind, this is called as plant introduction method.
Plumule is a part of seed embryo that develops into the shoot.
Pollen culture
In pollen culture haploid plants are obtained from isolated pollen grains.
Pollination is the transfer of pollens from anthers (stamens) to stigma of the flower.
Chromosome with many cetromeres is called as polycentric chromosome.
Individuals with more than two genomes are called as Polyploids (polyploidy).
Presence of more than two genomes in an individual is called as polyploidy.
Procentric synapsis
Procentric synapsis is a type of synapsis in which pairing of homologous chromosomes starts from centromere and progresses toward ends.
Proterminal synapsis
Proterminal synapsis is a type of synapsis in which pairing of homologous chromosomes starts from the end and continues towards their centromere.
Pre-harvest Sprouting
Sprouting of seeds of standing crop, due to high moisture is known as pre-harvest sprouting.
Red Biotechnology
Biotechnology which is applied to medical processes is called as red biotechnology.
Primary constriction
Primary constriction is a region of DNA / chromosome (which contains highly repetitive DNA), appear mostly near the middle of a chromosome.
In pseudoheterosis progeny possess superiority over parents is in vegetative growth, but not in yield and adaptation, usually sterile or poorly fertile.
Pureline is a self pollinated descendent of a self pollinated plant.
Pure line selection
Pureline selection is a method in which new variety is developed by selection of single best plant progeny among traditional varieties or land races.
Qualitative characters
Characters or traits those are governed by one or few genes are called as qualitative characters.
Quantitative characters
Characters or traits those are governed by many or several genes are called as quantitative characters.
Radicle is the first part of a seedling (a growing plant embryo) to emerge from the seed when it germinates.
Random synapsis
Random synapsis is a type of synapsis in which pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs at various points along the length of homologous chromosomes.
Recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA technology is a technique that alters genes or gene combinations in living organisms by cutting apart and splicing together different pieces of DNA.
Red biotechnology
Biotechnology which is applied to medical processes is called as red biotechnology.
Registered Seed
Registered seed is the progeny of foundation seed.
Relative heterosis
When heterosis is estimated over mid parental value i.e. average of two parents it is referred as relative heterosis.
Restorer line
The line which provides the fertility to F1 (restores fertility) is called as restorer line.
Reverse transcription
Reverse transcription is the process of making a double stranded DNA from a single stranded RNA template.
RNA stands for Ribonucleic acid