Sustainable Agriculture

What is Sustainable Agriculture?

Basic principle of sustainability can be narrated as, fulfilling our present needs, not at the cost of ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Goals of Sustainable Agriculture

  • Improving economic profitability
  • Maintaining environmental health
  • Bring about social and economic equity

Definition of sustainable agriculture as given by ATTRA – National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.

“Sustainable agriculture is one that produces abundant food without depleting the earth’s resources or polluting its environment. It is agriculture that follows the principles of nature to form systems for raising crops and livestock that are, like nature, self sustaining. Sustainable agriculture is also the agriculture of social values, one whose success is indistinguishable from vibrant rural communities, rich lives for families on the farm, and wholesome food for everyone.”

Sustainable agriculture includes

  • Mixed-cropping
  • Insecticides and pesticides are not used
  • Less or sometimes no use of fertilizers. Crops included in inter cropping adds into different types of nutrients to the soil, thus increasing fertility i.e. ability to sustain life.
  • Soil erosion is reduced as a result of mixed cropping (as farm land never remains bare).
  • Maintains diversity.

Go through Conventional Agriculture page to find out how sustainable agriculture is superior to conventional agriculture.